Re: Virus's -- This is an Emacs bomb

Robert Lau (
Tue, 6 Dec 1994 09:44:54 -0800

   Date: Tue, 6 Dec 1994 03:50:58 -0800 (PST)
   From: Charles Howes <>

   So there you are, reading along in some file that you found.
   Just browsing away, when what happens, but some magic bit of
   Local variables:
   find-file-hooks: ((lambda ()

probably common knowledge but...  it won't work if you have:

  (setq inhibit-local-variables t)

in your .emacs.

Robert Lau                            Systems Programmer, Unix Systems
                                      University Computing Services            
213-740-2866                          University of Southern California                         1020 W Jefferson, LA, CA  USA, 90089-0251